Lyssna på IA:s panelsamtal på Stockholm Furniture Fair 2023!

Den 10 februari håller IA ett intressant panelsamtal på Stockholm Furniture Fair på temat utmaningar för inredningsarkitekter i en värld i förändring. Vilka krav ställer klimatförändringar och ändrade ekonomiska förhållanden på inredningsarkitekters kunskap och profession? Kom och lyssna på ett spännande samtal med representanter från såväl Konstfack som Göteborgs universitet, organiserat av IA.

A changing world – what skills will interior architects need in the future?

We are facing a paradigm shift in the way we view resource use, economic systems and the role of humans on our planet. With rising global warming comes a greater awareness of the significant climate and environmental impact of premises, but also an understanding that the skills of interior architects are invaluable in premises transformation.

We ask ourselves questions like: What is the role of interior architects today and in the future? Will the profession change or change direction? Perhaps we see a specialization in the areas of design, project management or sustainability. 

Changes in the world around us place great demands on the knowledge of today’s interior architects. Do interior architects today have the knowledge required to meet these challenges, and what challenges do they face today in their professional role?

We ask representatives from Konstfack and Göteborgs universitet in a panel discussion organized by IA –, an initiative with the aim of driving debate and spreading knowledge about current news in interior architecture.

Participants: Kristina Fridh, professor in inredningsarkitektur at Konstfack, Emilia Forsman, student at the master programme at Konstfack, Cecilia Tjärnberg, interior architect at Indicum, Torsten Hild, professor in furniture design at University of Gothenburg

Moderator: Kristin Östberg, interior architect and CEO at Indicum

Läs mer om vårt panelsamtal här (länk till SFF)